Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More on San Jose

As we leave the central city of San Jose to visit the U.S. Embassy, the office buildings, government centers, and hotels yield to poor residential areas. Small single story homes are packed tightly together. Our guide recalls when it was normal to leave one's front door open. Today, however, windows and doors of homes are barred. Walls and fences are topped with razor wire and spikes.  As we continue to the embassy, high-rise construction projects (in Costa Rica 14 floors is a high-rise) mark a transition to a more affluent area. 
On the way back to San Jose we pass a new sports stadium donated by the People's Republic of China. The stadium is a modification of the Bird's Nest of the Beijing Olympics.
Collecting Weather Data
Today was a chance to collect weather samples. Air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and "feels like" data were collected using a handheld Kestrel weather station. An infrared thermometer was used to collect temperature data from the sidewalk and blacktop around the hotel. An RED pressure probe was used to collect air pressure data. Data was collected at the Aurola Holiday Inn in central San Jose.
The collection site is near the white column. The park is located directly across from the data collection site.
Sunrise 5:34 A.M.
Sunset 5:11 A.M
Data 8:30 A.M.
The sky was clear and sunny. Small cloud wisps are visible along the volcanic mountain tops.
  • Air temperature 23.3 degrees C
  • Relative humidity 59%
  • Feels like temperature 27 degrees C
  • Wind speed average 5.4 kph from the east
  • Air pressure 89.68 kPa (not adjusted to sea level)
  • Sidewalk temperature 38.6 degrees C
  • Blacktop temperature 31.6 degrees C
Data 3:00 P.M.
The sky iss overcast and a light rain is falling. Clouds rolled over the mountains during the early afternoon swallowing the peaks.
  • Air temperature 23.1 degrees C
  • Relative humidity 67.5%
  • Feels like temperature 23.6 degrees C
  • Wind speed average 2.7 kph from the southwest
  • Air pressure 89.29 kPa (not adjusted to sea level)
  • Sidewalk temperature 27.8 degrees C
  • Blacktop temperature 27.1 degrees C
Data as reported by San Jose (MORC) weather station.

Consider the Following
  • San Jose receives 12 hours of sunlight every day of the year. An afternoon rain shower is expected every day approximately 2 hours before sunset.. Why?
  • The elevation of San Jose is 931 meters. What would the atmospheric pressure be if it was adjusted to sea level?
  • Given the day length and cloud cover during the late afternoon would an urban heat island effect be likely in San Jose?

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